Perfect Plant Gifts for the Botanical Couple

Car Services in DC Are you searching for the perfect gift for the newlyweds, know they love plants, but don’t even know where to start? We’ll help make it as easy as booking Car Services in DC ! It’s delicate looking flowers may mislead some, but the African violet is one gorgeous plant that is almost impossible to kill. This popular plant loves indirect sunlight, making it perfect for north facing window sills, kitchen tables, and screened in back porches. While this plant doesn’t produce the same flowers as the African violet, it is still just as hardy, maybe even more so. Peperomias are very easy to care for. These indoor plants are in the succulent family creating firm waxy leaves that are resistant to pests. Peperomias are the type of plants that you can forget about for a few weeks and it will continue producing more shiny leaves. This next one is as easy as reserving Private Car Service DC can rely on. Aloe vera is both a beautiful plant and a medicinal one. A...